A baby in a Breech presentation in the mother's uterus, commonly referred to as a 'breech baby', is a term used to describe one of the variations of foetal positioning within the uterus in the later stages of pregnancy.
During your routine antenatal appointments, you may have been offered for a midwife to palpate your tummy to determine the position (or presentation) of your baby.
As your baby grows, they have plenty of space within your uterus to move freely and easily and assume many different positions. Towards the later stages of your pregnancy, as the baby occupies more space in utero, they often then settle in a relatively stable position.
For many babies, this is a cephalic presentation (head down towards your pelvis), however some babies seem to prefer alternative positions. A breech baby is in a position within the uterus whereby the head is up towards your ribs, and the baby's bottom, or sometimes feet are down towards your pelvis. Breech presentation occurs in around 3-5% of births.
There can be a lot of information to digest, and things to consider when you've found out your baby is in a breech position.
If you'd like to find out more about the range of holistic approaches on offer to support breech birth, please book a free discovery call
Babies lying bottom first or feet first in the uterus instead of in the usual head-down position are referred to as breech babies. Breech is common in early pregnancy, and by 36-37 weeks of pregnancy, most babies turn naturally into the head-down position.If your baby remains breech, it does not usually mean that you or your baby have any problems and if attempts to turn your baby into the head down position have not succeeded, your birth options are either an elective caesarian or a planned vaginal breech birth.
In the UK, if your baby is in the breech position you will be offered an External Cephalic Version (ECV), a procedure to turn your baby to a head-down position. It involves an experienced obstetrician placing their hands on your abdomen to manually move the baby up and out of the pelvis. They will attempt to turn the baby through a forward or backward somersault to a head-down position. Attempting ECV is performed to increase your chances of having a vaginal birth, and lower the chances of a caesarean section. Up to half of all attempts are successful, but ECV success rates differ in each hospital. Women who have this done describe it as being uncomfortable.
Moxibustion is Another technique
used in traditional Chinese medicine to encourage turning of the foetus in breech presentation. It is a method that is suggested as an alternative to ECV by the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (RCOG) and an increasing number of maternity units across the UK refer patients for moxibust
What is Moxibustion?
Moxibustion is a traditional Chinese method of acupressure treatment, which consists of burning the dried leaves of a plant called Moxa (also known as Mugwort) and use the heat generated to stimulate specific acupressure points on the body.
The method
There are various forms in which moxibustion can be applied. One form used to correct the baby’s position in case of breech position during pregnancy is called indirect moxa – with this method the moxa leaf is pressed into a stick, which can resemble a cigar or small rolls.
The technique consists of lighting a moxa stick and bringing it close to the skin close to particular acupressure points, ,until it produces hyperaemia (increase of blood flow) due to local vasodilatation. The heat felt should be warm but not uncomfortable.
Women with a breech presentation may seek treatment with moxibustion from 32–38 weeks but it is preferably performed around 34 weeks of pregnancy. The baby at this stage is small enough to turn and big enough to remain in the head-down position.
Moxibustion may be administered for 15–20 minutes each time. A course of treatments is recommended.
There are usually increased foetal movements during the treatment and for a while afterwar
The benefits
Generally, moxibustion is used to warm areas of the body with the intention of stimulating circulation and lymphatic flow. It also helps to smooth the flow of Qi and blood and expel pathogenic influences. The scent of moxa is very distinct and many people find it to have a therapeutic and relaxing aroma.
Published evidence suggests that moxibustion has a positive effect and play a part in reducing the number of breech presentations at term. Therefore, it is effective in reducing the need for an external cephalic version (ECV) and contributes to a reduction in the number of caesarean sections which are so often advocated in breech presentation. There have been no reported side-effects for mothers or babies.
The treatment is contraindicated for women with the following conditions:
1. Placenta previa.
2. History of bleeding in pregnancy
3. Multiple pregnancy.
4. Known abnormality of the uterus or pelvis.
5. History of premature labour or premature rupture of membranes.
6. Previous Caesarean section if more recent than 2 years.
7. Oligohydramnios.
8. Rhesus antibodies.
9. Known hydrocephalic fetus.
I recommend a course of treatments from 34 weeks onwards up to 4 times a week.
Allow an hour for each appointment.
A gentle treatment carried out on the feet, ankles and hands, to stimulate and bring balance to the reflex points that form a ‘map’ of the physical and energetic body.
By manipulating the reflexes this treatment can encourage baby to move into into an optimal position for birth.
The effects of Reflexology are accumulative and treatments are offered in blocks of 4, which can be taken up to 3 times weekly.
Reflexology is suitable at any stage in your pregnancy.
Treatments begin with a conversation about your health and wellbeing in pregnancy.
Laying comfortably on the couch, your feet are cleansed before being massaged with nourishing organic reflexology balm, and wrapped in warm towels. Each foot is worked on in turn with firm and intentional pressure (it’s unlikely to tickle).
Most women find the treatment deeply relaxing.
Allow an hour for each session.
Sacred Shakti
The Snug Wellbeing Studio, Walnut Close, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England CV10 0XH, United Kingdom