The Womb tells a woman everything about her physical, emotional and energetic wellbeing. Are you listening?
A woman’s womb creates life, nurtures and manifests her dreams and is the source of her unique creativity.
The womb is a powerful energy centre. It is our physical and energetic portal to the world - where our life force is generated.
Womb wellness is a key element to a woman’s health. The health of the womb is a major factor in every phase of womanhood.
When our womb is healthy, we are emotionally grounded, creative, abundant, full of energy and ideas.
When our womb is unbalanced, we feel stuck, uninspired, dry, our inner light is dimmed, our capacity to relate and love is reduced.
Internal signals are sent to alert us when there is an imbalance. We cannot ignore our wombs if they are making pain. Symptoms are messages from the body.
Flow Women’s Wellbeing offers Womb Wellness treatments and rituals to support women in re-establishing a connection to their sacred feminine energy
Womb healing rituals are as unique as each woman. If you‘d like to discuss your individual needs or seek guidance on the most suitable treatment, please do schedule a discovery call.
Bring a sense of fluidity to the lower back, pelvis, hips and sacred womb space with this tailored meditation and yoga therapy movement session.
A combination of visitation, breathwork, and gentle yoni yoga to reconnect you with the energy of your pelvis.
90 minutes private session available in person at the studio or online.
Supporting you to connect with the essence of the energy of the sacred womb space, this tailored lower back, pelvic and abdominal massage helps you to connect with the sacred feminine energy, bringing balance and connection for those who no longer have a physical womb.
This session is for women who have been experiencing discomfort or disconnect with their womb space.
Maybe you’re experiencing menstrual cycle difficulties or symptoms, pelvic pain or a lack of connection to your feminine being and energy.
You might be recovering from surgery and want to support your recovery
Or maybe you’re post menopausal and want to discover what womb energy means to you in this next phase
This introductory session draws upon a range of massage techniques, visualisations, breath-work and energy work as I support you intuitively with a bespoke treatment.
For women wishing to delve deeper into their relationship with their womb on a physical, emotional and energetic level.
Perhaps there is held trauma to be released, or energy to shift. This longer sessions allows for those emotions to surface through a range of modalities which are intuitively chosen for your unique journey.
This session may include elements of:
womb massage
yoni yoga
breath work
Energy healing
sound healing
trauma release
closing the bones
womb reiki
A full day immersion retreat experience
A full day (5 hours) including light lunch.
This full day immersion into womb health is for women wishing to deep dive into their womb and cyclical wellbeing, exploring her connection with the womb through energetic, physical, emotional and mindset work.
Following consultation with you, your retreat experience will include elements of the following modalities:
womb massage
yoni yoga
breath work
Energy healing
sound healing
trauma release
closing the bones
womb reiki
Brining the gentle energetic healing of Reiki energy to the feminine energetic balance and wisdom of the womb space. This energy treatment releases held trauma both physical, energetic and ancestral from the womb space, facilitating deep physical and emotional healing.
A gentle hands on treatment, suitable for all life stages.
Herbal Steaming for the sacred yoni energy.
Please arrange a free consultation to ensure your treatment aligns with the phase of your cycle, and to allow time to prepare the fresh herbs.
90 minutes experience
Supporting you to connect with the energy of the sacred womb space, this tailored lower back, pelvic and abdominal massage helps you to connect with the sacred feminine energy, bringing balance and connection to your feminine energy, physical womb space and creative emotional self.
Read more on the womb wellness rituals page
90 minutes
Sacred Shakti
The Snug Wellbeing Studio, Walnut Close, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England CV10 0XH, United Kingdom