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Exploring, nurturing & connecting you with your sacred yoni energy.
Are you curious about womb healing? Perhaps it’s a phrase that you’ve heard, that’s piqued a calling deep within, that’s awakened an inner voice, that’s stirred something in your heart and womb space.
Welcome, womb healing is my passion, and it’s my pleasure to tell you more, to share the womb mysteries and wisdom
Gentle energetic treatment to awaken, nourish and balance the womb space
The use of specially selected herb allies to create a steam infusion for your sacred yoni. The delicate warmth of the steam, combined with the healing properties of the herbs energetically cleanses, balances and harmonises your feminine flow and energetic connection with your womb space and pelvis. A deeply nourishing practice
A specialised lower abdominal massage to support you to connect with, reawaken, stimulate and heal your pelvis and womb space.
A traditional ritual of rebozo massage and ritual wrapping of the pelvis to realign and awaken the pelvis and womb space physically and energetically
The ritual use of sacred oils to connect with the womb space
Bringing awareness to the energy of your sacred yoni, discovering what is held there, where certain emotions arise, discovering deeper connection with your body and your sacred feminine energy
A powerful meditative ceremony to receive womb awakening
The 13th rite of the Munay Ki, a powerful Shamanic initiation rite to connect with and activate the womb energy through energetic clearing and powerful reclamation of your wild power.
Supporting you to connect with and step inside your divine feminine energy.
Yoni massage treatment is a whole body and mind immersive experience performed with reverence in sacred ritual ceremony. Allow 2.5 hours for your experience.
Incorporating ritual, intention setting, breathwork, visualisations and a range of intuitive healing touch, releasing old and unwanted energies from your sacred space.
Releasing held memories of anger, shame, rage or disconnection, allowing visions, emotions, awareness and sensations to arise, opening the opportunity for you to connect with the deepest physical, emotional and energetic sensations of self.
If you are being called to explore your feminine energy in this way, please reach out for an honest, nurturing and nourishing conversation about working with me in this way.
Exchange £375
Yoni massage treatments are as unique as you. Every session is tailored to your needs. Please do arrange a time to chat with me to personalise your experience.
The Womb tells a woman everything about her physical, emotional and energetic wellbeing. Are you listening?
A woman’s womb creates life, nurtures and manifests her dreams and is the source of her unique creativity.
The womb is a powerful energy centre. It is our physical and energetic portal to the world - where our life force is generated.
Womb wellness is a key element to a woman’s health. The health of the womb is a major factor in every phase of womanhood.
When our womb is healthy, we are emotionally grounded, creative, abundant, full of energy and ideas.
When our womb is unbalanced, we feel stuck, uninspired, dry, our inner light is dimmed, our capacity to relate and love is reduced.
Internal signals are sent to alert us when there is an imbalance. We cannot ignore our wombs if they are making pain. Symptoms are messages from the body.
Womb healing rituals are as unique as each woman. If you‘d like to discuss your individual needs or seek guidance on the most suitable treatment, please do schedule a discovery call.
Sacred Shakti
The Snug Wellbeing Studio, Walnut Close, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England CV10 0XH, United Kingdom