Healing the Witch Wound
Healing the Motherwound
Healing the Inner Child / teen / maiden
In this 1:1 session we explore how your wounded inner witch / child / Motherwound shows up for you in your present, how she is asking to be seen and heard. Gently guided back to her time of wounding, healing through breathwork, somatic release and hypnotherapy techniques, you will be gently held in sacred space in order to connect with your inner self.
Inner healing work is completely bespoke to you and the session is carefully crafted to your unique journey.
We may draw upon breathwork, journaling, meditation, somatic release, hypnotherapy, regression techniques, womb healing and reiki, among others.
Please allow 2 hours for your immersive session
Sacred Shakti
The Snug Wellbeing Studio, Walnut Close, Hartshill, Nuneaton, Warwickshire, England CV10 0XH, United Kingdom